10 Surprising Secrets Every University Student Should Know for Success!

Table of Contents


If we are being honest, sometimes this whole college thing feels like a never-ending roller coaster. A second you are flying high as the novelty of new friendships and cool courses; and the next thing you know exams loom ominously forcing your nose into assignments that have deadlines which all of a sudden seem to come closer than ever. But what if I told you there some surprising secrets that will lead you to greater success and in fact, help you thrive? This article discusses the top 10 secrets of managing university life that no one tells you to escape failure. So get ready, because success is coming your way!

Secret #1: Time Management Tips 

Time management is one of the toughest challenge that every student faces. With assignments piling up like laundry in a dorm room, it can feel overwhelming. That’s why using a time management technique can be your secret weapon!

The Pomodoro Technique

Have you ever heard about the Pomodoro Technique? A simple and effective one would be to divide your learning into 25 mins on/5 mins off. It is like taking a fast power nap for your brain, while being productive. Believe me once you get there, you’ll be surprised by how productive you can be in the span of a few minutes!

Prioritization Strategies

Another key part of time management with prioritization. Identifying Your Most Important Tasks Each Week First You can use tools like to-do lists or apps to have and overview what has to be completed first. The minor assignments will be siphoning your best work from the opportunities that actually count!

10 Surprising Secrets Every University Student Should Know for Success!
10 Surprising Secrets Every University Student Should Know for Success!

Secret #2: Networking is Key

Many of you might as well visualize Universities with lecture halls and textbooks. But what sustained hits are based on is, you guessed it (heard it before); building connections.

Building Relationships Early

Networking with other students, professors or professionals can increase your opportunities tenfold. Try at attending events, joining clubs, or just overcoming your fear of talking to literally anyone. You never know who will be your next mentor or collaborator.

Leveraging Alumni Connections

And yes, never underestimate the power of an alumni! Who knows what doors your alumni networks can open for you…sans you even realizing it. Take advantage of this potentially one of the most valuable resource for you; network with alumni in areas you are interested in. We bring our lived experiences into the room, and that has a unique potential for knowledge creation that textbooks cannot give!

Secret #3: Use Your Campus

But here a thing, your university is like a gold mine only if you know where to dig!

Academic Support Services

Most colleges provide academic support services like tutoring and writing centers. If you are stuck on something, ask for help. No, it is not a sign of weakness but quite the smart decision!

Mental Health Resources

Let’s talk mental health. College is challenging, take care of your mind just as you take care of your grades. Take advantage of the full range of counselors and mental health services many campuses offer to provide a compassionate listener.

Secret #4: Office Hours

Some people find office hours to be intimidating however, they are some of the most important times!

Engaging with Professors of University

Professors will make more an effort to knows you on a person level now! Not only do they have knowledge on the course material itself, but can also help lead you in the right direction with upcoming assignments. This special relationship might just be what tips the scale in your favour it never hurts to know, right? It might also mean recommendation letters in the future!

Clarifying Course Material

Not understanding a lecture? Go see your prof! Use this to ensure your success and don’t be afraid; the best interests of theirs lie in you passing. This little thing will save you from a lot of trouble in days to come (feast your eyes as everything starts making sense and preparing yourself better for exams)

Secret #5: How to Make Study Groups Work for You

Benefits of Collaborating

Working with your contemporaries can go a long way in exchanging ideas, clearing doubts and benefitting from each other’s strengths. It also makes revising fun and not like one of those chores to tick off on your to-do list.

Setting Up a Successful Group

Study groups should be no larger than 3-5 people to remain effective. Meet regularly and have talking points. Do not forget, you are here to help each other out and not make things more stressful for one another!

10 Surprising Secrets Every University Student Should Know for Success!
10 Surprising Secrets Every University Student Should Know for Success!

Secret #6: Failure Is Just Feedback

Now who said that failure is bad? Well, in the world of university, it can be your greatest teacher!

Learning from Mistakes in University

Rather than allow failure to scare you, see it as a tool for growth. Identify what went amiss, realign your plans, and do it once again. Each screw-up has potential to bring you closer to your eventual win.

Re-Think about Your Grades in University

Grades are just numbers. They don’t define you. Never mind perfection, aim for progress. By taking this mindset, it will lower your anxiety and promote a healthier sense of study.

Secret #7: Participate in Extracurricular Activities

When dealing with classes, most people think that it is not the time for anything else. But hear me out!

Enhancing Your Resume for University

But some of the best things for your resume won’t simply be a result of what you learn in class. Involvement is attractive to an employer, it shows skills you want like leadership and working with others.

Building Friendships in University

And participating is an excellent way to build new relationships and friendships. Remember what it would be like to have a core group of friends, navigating university with you. But, it can mean a huge difference!

Secret #8: You need to know the Language of Money Financial Education

Oh money, that same thing everybody in university is stressing the fuck over.

Budgeting Basics for University

We learn about budgeting. These are a few tips that you can follow: Track your expenses and reduce unwanted costs. Find all of the student discounts and have a visual for what financial goals you have.

Smart Spending Tips

Ever heard of impulse buying? Resist that urge! When more than just subsistence is involved, sleep on it for 24 hours before you spend. Maybe you will even realize that you don’t want it anymore after that period of time?

Secret #9: Sleep, Fit & Taking care of You

Who says you cant be broke but still caring about self care?

Managing Stress

But as common amongst students as it is, so too is stress. Schedule time for activities that make you feel good, whether it is a walk out in nature, yoga practice or getting lost in a great book.

Balancing Academics and Life

Learn to manage your personal life with academic tasks. Not much at all; do not ruin your life to study. Trust me, you will thank yourself later for putting self-care first!

Secret #10: Set Clear Goals

And last but not least… what does success mean to you?

What Are Your Priorities Both Short And Long Term?

Create Goals on the Short End of the Spectrum and Nature Sure, passing your classes is important, but you need to remind yourself and think about where you want to be in 5 or 10 years.

Creating an Action Plan

Develop an in-depth plan of action to achieve those goals. One of the reasons this is important is, it makes your goals feel as if they exist as something physical. Not to mention you guessed it checking them off, as they will slowly disappear on your ongoing list)!

10 Surprising Secrets Every University Student Should Know for Success!
10 Surprising Secrets Every University Student Should Know for Success!


So there you have it! But never fear; here are 10 secrets that prove they do have a clue and can be your blueprint for college life and success. The long and short of each secret is to: empower yourself to do university on your own terms from time management to self-care. Grades are not everything, remember: this is about you becoming the person you want to be and building a community of like minded individuals around you. So follow through on these strategies, and success is around the corner for you!


Which time management tools are great for students?

Though there is no definite tool that must be used for this, you can use popular tools like Trello to organize the tasks or Google Calendar to schedule your day and even get a Pomodoro Timer app set up so that during study time certain quantity of sessions are done.

Where Can I Find Study Groups at My University?

Utilize online forums, club pages with social media, or talk to your classmates after lecture to find and make study groups.

Why the networking during University matters?

You never know what potential job opportunities, mentorship, or relationships you will make that will positively impact your academic experience and future career.

Learn how to talk to a professor in University office hours?

Have a list of key questions or topics you want to talk about, and start with just saying hello. This is a quality which professors in spades.

How Do I Balance Schoolwork and Self-Care?

Make a plan on how long are you going to study and for how many hours are you planning to relax. If you set boundaries, and limit your school work (which I suggest in previous blog posts) making self care a priority it will be easier for more than one reason.

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